Dedoco App Suite
Next-gen tools for trusted workflows
Dedoco’s App Suite is the no-code solution for trusted business transactions. Pick and choose ready-to-use apps so your stakeholders can instantly verify documents, signatures, qualifications and accreditations.
Businesses now can elevate their digital footprint, enhance efficiency, and instil trust in their processes, all within a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
A smarter way
to sign your document
Sign securely from desktop or mobile device without complex setups or data sharing. Keep signatures encrypted, without sharing online.
An extra layer of trust with real time video
Reach agreement through real-time video signing sessions. Get everyone in the same room, virtually, and keep business moving.
Verified digital certificates
Simplify due diligence and verify original credentials and qualifications with the guaranteed authenticity of decentralised records.
time savings
vs paper-based systems
The future of documents just a click away
See PricingSecurity & privacy
‘No store’ data solution for security & compliance
Easy implementation
Integrates effortlessly with your existing repository
Next-gen business trust
Verifiable trust without the barriers
Need something a little different? Create custom workflows with our open API environment for developers