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Daphne Ng – Entrepreneurship as her life’s Work


For many of us, we often refer to achievements and success in our own vocation as our life’s work. For Daphne Ng, Co-Founder and CEO of Dedoco, she chooses entrepreneurship as her life’s work.

Growing up in a family that ran a business in the travel and hospitality industry, Daphne watched her family toil endlessly to meet the needs of their customers. As a child, she remembered contributing in the smallest of ways – such as by obediently, handing out flyers near escalators at every NATAS fair.

“Booking vacations online was not the norm back then, so all vacations were booked via a tour agency. Agencies were responsible for every aspect of the tour, from booking the flight, and right down to their itinerary meals,” she recounts.

Nurtured in such a familial environment, it is little surprise that Daphne spent her formative years learning the ropes of business, management and finance – topics commonly discussed at the dinner table...more

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Further reading
